I settled in Kecskemét in 1970. This is the place where my nearly 600 works were born, half of which can be seen in my gallery. I have been working in several fields of sculpture and my favourites are the portraits, the reliefs and the statuettes. My early works were realistic, while the more substantial ones were made later. My spatial sculptures are more the more compact ones. My favourite material is the extremely versatile bronze, which holds the mystery of birth in fire.
I have always been insistent on showing the beauties of life throughout my career. Similarly, I have always adored the beauty in the body of the woman, which expresses regeneration and abundance. Such lyric and optimistic works were my first ones that were realistic and often block-like so as to be created of stone.
It was the outside world breaking into the harmony of the start of my career that made it necessary to create bronze works. This was a big change but the bronze offers a variety of expression being more meaningful and thought-provoking.
The destruction of our environment made me start expressing my own opinion long ago. I seriously wanted to impress my thoughts upon the audience through the hyper-realistic electroforming.
As a result of the following period the still realist sculptures became enriched with a lot of grotesque elements.
The latest change in my style was due to the mature summary. The pure and simple positive-negative forms enabled me to design definitive and often abstract sculptures.