Thoughts on Sculpture
Even though it is often difficult for me, too to find the right path in our really hasty world, I have always stuck to what I believe to be good and beautiful. I do try to preserve what is truly valuable and this is what motivates me as an artist.
I find the statuettes the most suitable forms through which to convey my thoughts and emotions. Statuettes are small and can be held in your hand, therefore they can express things big sculptures cannot, namely the intimate moments of life, which can be thought-provoking, funny or sometimes even grotesque.
My small bronze works deal with the essential phenomena of life: they show the weak man struggling with the outside world, his or her inner world and passing time. The early compact, then the following expressive realist and later the abstract ways of formation have all served the goal of expressing the intentional meaning. The works created over more than 40 years can be conceived as the pages of a diary that enable me to speak my thoughts in the language of sculpture.
Convex and concave forms evoke similar feelings in all of us, soft and hard forms have weight or lightness. You can discover their tune and rhythm when compared to each other. Several of my sculptures are not more than a significant statement, an ecstatic sigh or a painful cry.

It's a well-known fact that a piece of art comes into being through the artist's personality and ideas. However it is also true that even though the person and the thoughts of an artist can be really important, it is still the work that is of primary significance as it can live independently of the circumstances of its creation.
It is my conviction that a good work of art definitely expresses a general meaning still making room for the individual to perceive it through his or her own experience and fantasy at the same time. The essence of art is the individuum that cannot be replaced because both the artist and the work are individual, just as the audience is made up of individuals. This is the magic beyond art.
You can recognize a great sculpture by its many merits that make it easy to love and perceive anywhere in the world without knowing anything about its creator.
I do not wish to save the world, I only wish to understand and maybe change it a little. I call others on this adventure, too as I can identify with Henry Moore's words: “Artists aspire to make life valuable for others as well as for themselves... Each field of art is for helping people find more joy and curiosity in life and to make them realize how wonderful our world is.”