When a young artist-to-be starts his or her career, he is absolutely eager to know more about the world. Who are those old or not-so-old sculptors one can learn from? My own fondness towards varied artists of different ages has been very changeable and subjective. However, by now I've created a friendly list of names who are still very important to me. I think of them as ideals rather than just predecessors.
It's not exactly transparent but all of my ideals are in some way present in my works, just like the significant literary and cultural experiences that enrich one's personality. The Greek and Egyptian sculptures I secretly caressed are still in my hands. I was truly amazed by Michelangelo (mostly by his unfinished slave sculptures). Mestrovics's “Indian” and Rodin's “Metal Age” also worked their magic on me. My favourites are Béni Ferenczy's and Ferenc Medgyessy's nudes as well as Miklós Borsos's portraits.
A lopva megsimogatott egyiptomi és görög szobrok itt maradtak a kezemben. Michelangelo engem is lenyűgözött. (Legjobban talán a befejezetlen rabszolgaszobraival.) Elvarázsolt Mestrovics Indiánja, Rodin Érckora. Kedvenceim: Ferenczy Béni és Medgyessy Ferenc aktjai, Borsos Miklós portréi.
I also like Sándor Mikus's “Counting Girl”, Imre Varga's “Radnóti”, József Somogyi's “Martinász” and a lot of works from the truly great sculptors. Maillol, Giacometti, Marini, Manzu, Hans Arp, Brancusi, Henry Moore have all become very dear to me, too, which also means that in some way they have become a part of my sculptures.
It's an extraordinary loss that the works of earlier artists that are still meaningful are not of interest to most people today. I cannot help but hope that these works will one day become loveable again.